I´ve purchased a pair of Soundlab Ultimate 545 speakers.
My Amp is the Gryphon Antileon, but, following your comments,
it seems that Valve Amplification is better for ELS.
What´s your general opinion about this Soundlab model?
Could you recommend some amplification for this Soundlab "Junior" Size?
How about Convergent Audio, Quicksilver or Cary?
The SoundLab speakers cannot reproduce any significant bass above low volume. I have the A1’s and at low levels they deliver satisfying bottom end. If you push them then it’s game over… I use two Sunfire 300’s run in mono and augment the basement with a pair of subwoofers using a CR-1 crossover. 
I´m triyng to contact  Soundlab but I have no answer on phone neither on e-mail.
Can anyone help me?
A customer of a local dealer replaced his Atma-sphere MA-1s with Convergent Audio amps and instantly regretted this decision. The CA amps werent bad, the MA-1s were just much better, he felt, on his speakers. I own MA-1s and need to send my Quads (63s) in for a refurb. but am using the amps with dynamic speakers at present.