I´ve purchased a pair of Soundlab Ultimate 545 speakers.
My Amp is the Gryphon Antileon, but, following your comments,
it seems that Valve Amplification is better for ELS.
What´s your general opinion about this Soundlab model?
Could you recommend some amplification for this Soundlab "Junior" Size?
How about Convergent Audio, Quicksilver or Cary?
I´m triyng to contact  Soundlab but I have no answer on phone neither on e-mail.
Can anyone help me?
A customer of a local dealer replaced his Atma-sphere MA-1s with Convergent Audio amps and instantly regretted this decision. The CA amps werent bad, the MA-1s were just much better, he felt, on his speakers. I own MA-1s and need to send my Quads (63s) in for a refurb. but am using the amps with dynamic speakers at present.