Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@mahgister - In a news document I just read, As Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ Reach 400,000, the Truth Must Be Spread Widely.

One comment that I read,
321 million vaccinated in the US, 6985 deaths from vaccine reactions. We are now losing 2000 a day from Covid19.
Anyone really struggling with which is best?

I must admit if these statistics are even remotely accurate, or even close to the whole story, the comment in favor of vaccines despite deaths caused by them is an interesting gamble.

Of course, natural immunity changes drastically such a gamble, especially if natural immunity is indeed significantly superior to mRNA Vaccines.
I’m still not eager to take the jab.
Cap Audiofest - thanks, that's great news.
Of the many states of the US I've visited, Maryland (Cumberland) was very pretty in Autumn.

Good to hear the state (according to the website for CAP) as of July 1st is open.
One comment that I read, 321 million vaccinated in the US, 6985 deaths from vaccine reactions. We are now losing 2000 a day from Covid19.
Anyone really struggling with which is best?

I must admit if these statistics are even remotely accurate, or even close to the whole story, the comment in favor of vaccines despite deaths caused by them is an interesting gamble.

First these number of deaths is not acurate ....An havard study about vaers proved that only a small% of deaths caused by vaxx are reported...

Second no one is against the Vaxx benefits...Save idiots anti vaxxers by principle and i am not one...

The problem is an INSANE mass vaccination POLITICAL AND CORPORATE mandates instead of a targetted groups vaccinations...With the heavy censorship of low cost treatment...

And you forgot here the impact of simple treatment in prevention and in cure ( vitamins, ivermectin etc ) for the grops which are not at risk, which are the majority of people... The censorship of these existing treatment is a crime against humanity...For example the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and high rate covid deaths....

Natural immunity is an innate system recognizing ALL the general physionomy of the virus .... Vaccines make visible only one characteristic of the virus physionomy the spike protein....Then the immunity is short lived and dont nullify the transmission at all....And probably the vaxx compete with the natural immune system then it is better to recommend the vaxx to the immune compromised groups like older people not to ALL....

Common sense solution is simple:

vaxx for at risk minority groups with an already compromised immune system, various prevention treatments for the others in good health....Is it chinese?

Scientific epidemiology teach that massive vaccination in the midst of a pandemy push the viruses to mutate in the worst direction for us... Simple no?

It is a nobel prize winner in virology and medecine who say that and a belgian top epidemiologist not me...

But it is easy to understand even for me....

A last but not the least important fact: NOBODY KNOWS THE IMPACT OF THE mRNA vaccination on humans long term.... NO ONE....This fact only is the reason why i refused the vaxx being myself healthy and probably naturally immune on some level ... I probably suffer covid in november 2020.....
Vaccines may kill by other means than immediate allergic dont know that?

That's true, but very hard to prove according to a pathologist that did an autopsy on someone that died after given the vaccine. 
That’s true, but very hard to prove according to a pathologist that did an autopsy on someone that died after given the vaccine.
Difficult to prove without statiscal serious analysis yes...One thing is sure it is not the corporations or Dr Fauci who will wanted to pay for that analysis...

Anyway with the help of statistical analysis we can infer from all correlations a highly probable causation or disprove it....It is called science...

Difficult to prove on one or few autopsies.... Not difficult if we take many autopsies, the number being function of a precise statistical number needed for the task....Why do you think systematic autopsies had not been ordered with a new technology at play?

It is of no interest for corporate and political lobbies... No interest for them to do so at all....One +one =2

But wait a minute, is the MANDATORY systematic autopsies of suspected death of vaccinated people MUST NOT BE a rational part and a NECESSARY part of any scientific study of vaccines?

Asking the question is answering it...

Then if the vaccination is mandatory for all why not mandatory autopsies for some deaths?

Asking the question is "almost" answering it...

I dont claim this is a conspiracy here....Not at all, i claim that this is stupidity+greed....