Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Also for the people claiming numbers are fake in that study. Please learn to do better research. 

#1. McKinley County- Population that is fully vaccinated: 96.0% (68,537 fully vaccinated)
--- 57.6% higher vaccination rate than New Mexico
- Population over 65 that is fully vaccinated: 99.9% (11,539 fully vaccinated)
--- 13.0% higher vaccination rate than New Mexico
- Cumulative deaths per 100k: 685 (489 total deaths)
--- 214.2% more deaths per 100k residents than New Mexico
- Cumulative cases per 100k: 18,762 (13,390 total cases)
--- 65.0% more cases per 100k residents than New Mexico

These are the credentials of the authors.

1Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, MA USA2Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA USA3Turner Fenton Secondary School, Brampton, ON CanadaS. V. Subramanian, Email: ude.dravrah.hpsh@marbusvs.Corresponding author.
Whew...I'm glad we solved that!!!! 

Vaccinations, insurance and hedging one's circumstances. People will do whatever they are going to do. We utilize none, some or all of these tools or we choose not to. Its not that complicated. Trying to convince someone else firm in their position that their position is incorrect is where the problems arise and emotion kicks in.

Best wishes to everyone whichever way you have chosen.
Since hitting a higher vaccination number cases in McKinley Co have declined as have deaths:

"One thing that worked to the county's advantage in administering the vaccine is having a significant percentage of the county served by the Indian Health Service, he said. Nearly 80% of the county's residents are Native American, according to the U.S. Census.

"A lot of other counties in New Mexico are dependent on local health care systems and private physicians to vaccinate the bulk of their populations," he said. "We were fortunate in that aspect that we have a large presence of Indian Health Service facilities to help take care of that population, which allowed for vaccines to come in directly from the federal government to that site."

The Indian Health Service held drive-thru events at the Fire Rock Casino in Church Rock and did outreach to the Navajo Nation "to make it more convenient" to get the vaccine, Berry said.

The county has lately been focused on bringing people back for their second dose if needed, as well as vaccination efforts in those ages 12 to 16.

Since May 24, the county has reported only three COVID-19 deaths, and the seven-day average of new cases is three, down from a peak of 109 in mid-November, state data shows.

There's still a lot of mask-wearing, though life has started to "look a little more normal," Berry said. "We've come a long way in the last year."

There goes your narrative that vaccines don't work also your narrative that they cause deaths.
Calling truth narrative jond doesn’t make it false.

Truth is mounting it is only a question of people being able to find it and then being willing to confront and not hide from it.

But people once they believe a lie will hold to it like glue and do anything to avoid admitting they were duped. Why? I was duped. I bought into the whole narrative- for several weeks early in 2020. But I kept an open mind. When the sick and dead did not pile up anywhere near what we were told I was willing to confront this new reality.

That is a dirty word by the way, reality. Job One for the NWO is to replace reality with narrative. Whatever they say goes, even when it changes minute to minute.

From the time we first learned about germs spreading disease we have known about immunity. George Washington vaccinated his troops from small pox by rubbing the blisters of the sick with cloth and rubbing that on the skin of the healthy. For three hundred years that has been the definition of "vaccinated".

The literal CDC definition of "vaccine" is - sorry, WAS! - a weakened form of the pathogen that confers immunity. Just so people know, all these pathogens whether viral or whatever are all made of molecules. Your immune system recognizes these and triggers immune response. Your immune system does not respond to "a virus". It responds to some or all of the various molecular shapes that comprise the virus.

Sorry but this is the lowest level of technical knowledge I can think of that makes sense in understanding. It is critically important that you do understand this.

If your immune system learns to recognize just one molecule then it will respond weakly- and maybe not at all if the virus mutates and loses or changes that one part. If your immune system learns to recognize the whole thing the immune response will be robust, powerful, and fast even if the virus mutates.

Okay so remember the original definition: A vaccine is a weakened form of a pathogen that confers immunity. Now you can see exactly why that is. A Weakened form is just about the whole virus. Your body learns to recognize the whole thing.

But then some years ago the definition changed! They dropped "weakened form" and "immunity". Now why would they do that? And now just within the last months the CDC has an even weaker definition. Go look it up if you can find it, with all the search engine censorship going on.

The truth is that by any honest scientifically based definition the so-called "vaccines" are not vaccines at all. They are not weakened forms of the virus. They are not weakened forms of anything. They are mRNA. Go do a little research, learn about mRNA. Messenger RNA is like a genetic program that tells the DNA in your cell nucleus to make something. In this case it is telling your cells to make a molecule that resembles covid.

This is why people are having all these bizarre reactions. This is why the vaccines do not confer immunity, the way a real legit vaccine would do. This is why we are seeing so many studies now such as the massive Israeli study that shows natural immunity is 7 to 30 times more protective than being "vaccinated". This is all very easily understandable- easy that is if you are willing and able to set aside all the incredible hate and physical oppression being applied against anyone these days with the temerity to think for themselves.
I don’t think you know how statistics work... plus you have a very hard time it seems to admit that you were wrong about something.
The researchers from "Harvard" looked at data from all around the world (data is cited) and came to the conclusion that deaths, hospitalizations and cases increased as a whole in conjunction with higher vaccine uptake.
Both counties saw an increase in cases, 304% and 65%
In one county deaths were up 214% and decreased by 23.5 in comparison to state averages.
They are two data points out of Thousands.

I am not going to respond to your posts again, I have no interest in arguing with you about peer reviewed published studies, where all the data is publicly available and cited.

Follow the science as they say :)