Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Thank you for your remarks, as I try to discern what is going on here, that directly affects my family’s and my personal health.

Do you know of Dr. Robert Malone, (self proclaimed) the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology? Back in 1987 I believe.
Is Dr Robert Malone the actual inventor of the technology?

Specifically, I am asking if this guy who’s genuinely expressing concerns about the technology he claims he’s invented for use as a Covid vaccine, is he who he says he is?

I will read more about him, I just want to ascertain if he’s a good source of science?

This terminology ADE seems to keep coming up in discussions and concerns about the Covid vaccines, amongst other concerns. Dr. Malone did quote "fortune favors the prepared mind - Louis Pasteur".

There are other sources of doctors with 20+ years experience (again self proclaimed) who discuss in great length breaking the issues down in layman's terms, their concerns.
I do want to hear both camps, 100% for and those expressing concerns.
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@femoore12 - exactly! And I heard it on CNN, it must be true also.

There’s a lot of people, and I do mean a lot, who are claiming injury and who are (not confirmed to me, self proclaimed professionals) who are putting their credibility on the line expressing concerns.

I rather consider that I would be a fool not to at least entertain the notion that some due diligence is in order here. When I make a reasonably high dollar purchase these days, I will ask about, and I will read reviews and I do absolutely look at the negative reports as well. There is nothing I have ever purchased that I put in higher esteem than my health.

The very first person I saw publicly share concerns on television regarding Covid vaccines, was during the Presidential debate. Please feel free to quote me on that anytime :-)
Why do so many who promote "one must listen before buying your components" trust the internet so much?
When this all started I paid a visit to my doctor to ask him his advice. He took the vaccine and suggested we do so too. I trust him. 
As for doomsday preppers....future grocery stores of the apocalypse. 
In simple explaination, this V was created in the lab combining five viruses and purposely realeased for the vaccination program. This intention is purely about vaccinating the world. Not JUST for profit, but a much worse outcome. Those that don't understand this need to open their eyes.