Harbeth hl5 vs Dali Euphonia SM4

I would love to hear some comments and opinions regarding the Harbeth Hl5 speaker vs the Dali Euphonia SM4. I play mostly electronic music at low volumes (rock (no metal)fusion, blues)
What I am looking for is definition. I want to hear each individual instrument not just a wall of music. For instance is there is a trio playing for example, Jack Bruce Robin Trower and Gary Husband trio or Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scotts, I would like to hear each instrument seperately. This is especially true with the electric bass. I currently have a pair of Harbeth P3esr and a rel sub in a secondary system and previously had a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors with my main system. I will be powering the speakers with a pair of Pathos Classic I's that I have bridged, so about 140 watts per channel.
Thanks for any help.
Interesting post to me because I used to own SHL5s and sold them because I found them to lack enough definition, and I also have the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors and find these to have significantly more definition and insight into the music and enjoy them more than the SHL5s. The Auditors are clearer with no feeling that musical details are hidden, an impression I had with the SHL5s.
(I now use and love the little-known Lahave Mela monitors which are much more satisfying and live-but-musical-and-compelling to me than either. The Melas are close to the Holy Grail for monitors to my ears..)
Rgs92 thanks for your input. Every thing I read seems to mirror your take on the SHL5's.
What I am looking for is definition.For instance is there is a trio playing for example, Jack Bruce Robin Trower and Gary Husband trio or Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scotts, I would like to hear each instrument seperately. This is especially true with the electric bass.

definition depends on amps,cd player,dac interconnects.As for power.For example I am using krell kav500i for several days.I really enjoying slam and punch on Harbeth SHL5..great speakers capable of differentianting bass and tones of instrumments