Putting an end to the audio cable debate! Part 1

Interesting. But I wish they would have continued the article rather than cutting it off.

If anyone wishes to see a review of a cable that is made from a purely measurement-driven methodology, read my review of the Iconoclast Cables at Dagogo.com 
You can always go to Belden's site and read about cables made from measurement methodology. 
I, too, want to read Part 2. I also appreciate that he outs himself as a former "all cables sound the same" proponent. This not only makes him, a sonic convert, into a fairly interesting/compelling commentator. It also opens him up to special emnity from those who share his old beliefs.

I have a longstanding policy in social settings, not to discuss religion, politics, or sex--the most divisive, fight-starting topics I know of. In audio settings, I tend not to discuss cables, R2R/NOS DACS vs delta/sigma DACs, tweaks, etc. Not because I'm shy about my beliefs, but because I don't enjoy fighting with people.
There is nothing wrong with measurements. Wouldn't you like to know the capacitance of the cable you plan on hooking up to your turntable with a MM cartridge? What about induction in speaker wires?

In all likelihood all well designed and manufactured cables of any particular type sound exactly the same. To determine this you have to play them side by side switching back and forth. I have done this with speaker wire and single ended interconnects but of a very limited sample size. I do not expect anybody to trust my hearing so, in essence this is an opinion, an educated one.