The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...

I hate even thinking this, but as we “progress” in “society” it sure seems like each step “forward” brings us closer and closer to becoming the “Borg” from Star Trek where everything happens in your head and personal interaction becomes less necessary and thus more foreign.  I hope this stops or at least slows down at some point and the value of human interaction surfaces as something we want to preserve.  I find it sad, however, that this seems more of a hope than an eventuality the way things are going everywhere — even in audio.  Ugh.  Thoughts?


Excuse me for perhaps being 90% negative with that comment, but it was more for effect that a literal statement.   

My meaning was more that when something is lost, whether it is something trivial like cursive writing or something serious like racial tolerance, it is virtually impossible to regain it.   

Yes, there are technological advances that improve our lives, but they aren't all that important when compared to the slow erosion of common decency.  
[please excuse my bad English]
I cannot see the list of exhibitors (the website does not display it, maybe my ad & script-blockers).

I don’t see the interest, compared with a good show report (with pics and synthetic description).

Better than nothing, indeed. As soon as it does not cannibalize physical hifi shows. Otherwise, we will all end up with buying our dog or cat on Internet; pet paid with our smartphone, and delivered by a drone at out door. 30 days trial.
Yes, there are technological advances that improve our lives, but they aren't all that important when compared to the slow erosion of common decency.
@tony1954 — Amen to that, but as the former seems to be driving a lot of the latter and shows no signs of slowing...Ugh, just ugh.