Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
real El Pastor from Senor Grubby in Carlsbad w Mexcal Rita, both have a mule kick.

Dead people don’t get a taco….ponder that…

...Is it possible that jalapeno was the forbidden fruit of life?

The jalapeno pepper the forbidden fruit? Certainly not! Surely a loving, rational and merciful deity would never make something so essential off limits.
The jalapeno pepper the forbidden fruit? Certainly not! Surely a loving, rational and merciful deity would never make something so essential off limits.
God put mercifully it with man out of the garden of eden...This forbiddeen fruit like whiskey after the prohibition is now no more forbidden....

Is it not the basis for your proof of the action of God the presence of this fruit from Eden on earth now?

I think mexican are nearer to God than us with this fruit...
Last sentence. Hmmm

I’ll edit for those, Learn the South of the Border…… 

The closer you are the MORE you understand