Class A into Class AB

What is the goal of a designer who makes intergrated amps that have class A for x amount of watts before it goes into class AB? Are there any examples of this being implemented well? I get this feeling that it’s kind of just a marketing thing...where people think they are getting some quality class A without the very high price tag. I was particularly looking at the CODA CSiB amps where you have three choices of how much of your first watts are class A. I have since found a few other respectable brands that implement this as well. I have yet to come across anyone who has heard much of difference between AB amps and one’s that’s state "first X amount of watts..." Class A/AB. Anyone have any experience with these kind of integrated amplifiers? Just looking for a little bit of understanding as I’m trying to upgrade my amplifier.
Class A gets expensive as you go up in watts. Big power supplies and heat sinks because they are biased to run at full power when idle.  
@Tom6897 is correct on the first few watts. I own the Luxman 590AXII, it was a tough decision to go with pure class A over their 509 with A-AB with more headroom. I do not believe it's hype or marketing. For me, I decided I didn't need more then the 30 watts into 8 ohms or 45 into 4 ohms. I just don't play my music that loud anymore and with 30 watts, I can get well past 90db if I really need too.  I have found it to be plenty of power, but I do still wonder if I could have heard the extra headroom in an AB amp - or perhaps heard the amp when it switches from A to AB (I've heard that some can hear it, some say BS). Just giving you my experience - I doubt I'll ever go back to D amps which I have owned many times.
A for the first few and a/b after that saves electricity, heat, and money in your pocket.  You want some A to start with for the improved sound.
So no it is not a scam or marketing hype but actually giving people what they want or should want.
My (limited) understanding is that class B designates a push/pull configuration with each device (tube, transistor) handling one half cycle. During the transition between devices there is distortion. Class A is always on, drawing the same amount of power regardless of the input signal. Biasing the devices for class A/B helps reduce the transition distortion because there is no longer an abrupt transition between devices. Both devices operate in the transitional region which varies widely between designs. 
The 590s are also A/AB. Goes up to approx 90W in AB, so there's your headroom.Fantastic amp, I have the AX, but not just class A
On the other hand, this probably shows that it's difficult to notice it moving from A to A/B