matrix 803's.. i have chance to buy... worth it?

hello... i have a chance to buy a set of 803's and a matching center channel. i use my speakers for home theater only. i currently have cdm cnt 1's for the front and a 600 series center. if these matrix speakers are in good condition, my questions are
1) are these much better than my newer cdms? i have a sub...
2) how do these rate to the newer 800 nautilus series... not the diamonds can't afford them right now...
3) what is a good price for them? was thinking if i do not like them maybe i could sell them to help with the nautilus purchase. they are the black finish...

thank you for the help
I am in Kissimmee. I almost jumped on them but my buddy was not around for me to borrow his truck. I did not want to drive 45+ miles each way if they would not fit in my car. It was a screaming deal IMO. Did you get them?

no... after repeated discussions i gave him my phone number to set up an appointment the next day to see them. he never called and i finally got a hold of him two days leter and he sold them. i just dont get it. this is the second time this has happened in one week with speaker buying.i am a little pissed off right now.
I'm not a fan of the B&W house sound, but they do sell a boat load of them. Obviously some must like them.