Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Those that get the most bent out of shape are usually the most vulnerable and least able to affect change. Its understandable. Its how lynchings happen.
The tentation to label other "irrational" must be self restrained  here for the sake of discussion with an open mind...

The intrusion of the governing body and corporation between doctors and patient is an abomination...Censorship revulse me...

The question is then not to be vaxx or not, this is a free conscious INFORMED choices in a civil democratic society; the question is why so forceful irrational mandate to vaxx everyone ?
I already post it here.. 😁😊

This doctor is medecine Hippocrates soul reincarnated....

Money could not buy him....Very courageous mind...

Corporations now sue him because he refuse not to treat the patients from the beginning.... Moving heartfull man....

I love humanity because of Ghasley taco's  and Dr. McCullough...
It seems that natural immunity is very strong...

Is it surprizing?

 No, because human survives million of years with their immune system...

Only global corporations in the need to sell vaxx for ALL at all cost  could think otherwise and trust their own lies...

Call it God or nature, i dont give a dam, but science is at the feet of a giant which no one can see more than  some toes in his feet ....No man can play god.... It is not religious matter proclamation but only  the evidence of  day to day hubris driven by money and power that play god in a corner ...

Is it a  united conspiracy to control human being ?

Not at all, it is what has been known by the name of "mafia" for a long time now, only usual human criminal activities united for an instant in times...

Is Gates an evil genius with Fauci ?

Not at all, only intelligent men whom became idiots because driven by power and money...Sorry...

I will reserve the name genius to Archimedes or Ramanujan or Grothendieck or Tesla or Einstein...