Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Maybe you need to do some real soul searching.....
 I am truly sorry for you and for the country that make this possible...

This remark about your destiny shed light on your posts thanks...

My deepest respect....
Thank you mahgister, I missed when you posted it and only caught it when someone emailed it to me just now. Everyone still capable of thinking should watch this.

Seriously. Study it. This guy is incredibly well credentialed. The talk he gives is dense with technical detail. I haven't had time to watch the whole thing yet. Just the first few minutes getting to the part where the mRNA "vaccines" tell the body to make the spike protein should be enough.   

The spike protein is the weaponized part of the COVID virus. It is the spike protein that allows the virus to enter cells. Listen closely to the part where he explains what this does, and what it can do. This one feature accounts for all the many strange side effects, complications and deaths.   

I feel sorry for all the many people duped into taking these. I hope you survive. I also hope more of you will stop preaching and propagandizing people to do this, and you can stop vilifying those of us with the sense to say, "No!"
@yuviarora I’m sorry the stance you have taken, which is your right, has carried such a high price. Let’s talk about the half full part of our existence.

Where do you get to move? What kind of gear do you have and will it work well in your new place? Is there a great taco joint nearby? Simple pleasures will help you bounce back.

Very best wishes.
@mahgister, Tesla’s work was more influential but no Edison?

AC/DC is a match made in HEAVEN, like Peanut Butter/Jelly

I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
Me too.
If you keep pushing, like you are. This will end very badly for all parties involved....Civil wars have started for a lot less than this.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Empathy has to go both ways........
Well said. Like any of them are listening. But they need to hear it anyway.

Their Marxist world view denies truth and reason and sees only power and oppression. That is why they use words the way they do, not to persuade but to beat you into submission. When they cannot be reasoned with because their whole world view is nothing but power what option ultimately do they leave us with?