Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
Me too.
If you keep pushing, like you are. This will end very badly for all parties involved....Civil wars have started for a lot less than this.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Empathy has to go both ways........
Well said. Like any of them are listening. But they need to hear it anyway.

Their Marxist world view denies truth and reason and sees only power and oppression. That is why they use words the way they do, not to persuade but to beat you into submission. When they cannot be reasoned with because their whole world view is nothing but power what option ultimately do they leave us with?

Me too.

I’m sorry to hear that MC. Standing for one’s principles can be quite unpopular at times. I hope you land on your feet with minimal impact. While we sometimes disagree on these particular issues, I certainly wish no ill will toward anyone nor do I wish misfortune to anyone who researched and made a personal decision they felt was right.

Best wishes with this next chapter in your life.

@yuviarora  @millercarbon 

These are the only two that seem to have a grasp on what's going on.

Months ago I was speaking out on this topic and I was attacked post after post and thread after thread. In one thread in particular, someone wished my family and I got covid and died. 

I often wonder how many people have woken up in the last 8 months. I bet it's a lot. 
I also bet that most on this website have not.


We each make decisions that we believe are right….and when we do we know we will have to live with the consequences. Its never easy.

No one should wish ill will toward another and especially toward the family of another. I’m sorry that happened.

I dont wish ill will toward anyone jnless they hate vacuum tubes, thats a bridge too far. ;-)
Funny,  I well mannerdly simply suggested a member was a shill. And did the same regarding another. Both posts removed. Is that against the site rules here, or were my posts reported? Oh well. HA