Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
It is in fact perfectly legal and science is not being utterly disregarded and having conditions of employment are totally normal. There is nothing irrational about taking a life saving vaccine what’s irrational is not taking the vaccine and acting like it’s a conspiracy against you. And sorry not taking the vaccine does not make you disabled not sure how the ADA applies?
Legal is not synonymus with legitimate...

Bureaucratic corporate decisions are initiated most of the times by GREED not by science...

The vaccine is proven to be not always life saving for all and the long term effect are unknown with a technology NEVER tested AT ALL in the long range... Read before typing words...

There is no conspiracy against us, only a criminal cartel of corporations who lied about the existing treatment to promote only their costlier NEW vaxx for URGENCY reason and NO  POSSIBLE TREATMENT supposedly ....No need to use "conspiracy" to deligitimate your opponent...Or using the word "antivaxxer"....

If you had a light bulb illumination when reading about EARLY treatment efficacy and their suppression and about the complementary epidemiological function of early treatment and vaccination with an airborne mutating virus you would be less straight on your horse with unvaccinated people here ...

The artificial division between vaxx and non vaxx is created articicially by this totalitarian stupid Mandate ...

Are you able to think? Or you enjoy the division...

Or you prefer the world divided in 2 parts with yourself "proud" to be in the right part...Like all sleepwalker...

It is not a privilege to refuse forced vaccinations, it is a RIGHT. 
Any coercion, threats (such as loss of liberties, loss of job, curbs on travel, movement, etc) are violations of Human Rights. 
These "Rights" are enshrined in the Constitution on the United States of America....They do not come from the Government, but are inalienable God given Rights, they are Natural Rights...and cannot be taken away by a corporation, a mob, a Government, a Neighbor....or anyone else professing for the greater Good at the expense of the Individual. 
These Rights are non negotiable. 

America dont respect Nuremberg code anyway....The code has been replaced by captain America...

They think that it was about "nazi" in the past...

 The world is on the brink of war... And we are not able to stay rational with a " light" crisis like covid...

Wait for the real crisis to come, nuclear war, meteor or climate change, the one for which no manual of epidemiology would be of any help...

 Why is it so hard to understand that with an airborne mutating virus  Mass  Vaxx without treatment is insane, and  treatment need the help of a vaxx for older or at risk people...

I am flabbergasted by stupidity on this scale....

I'm so sick of leftists crying out of one side of their mouths about how the unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated and on the other side of their mouths praising the efficacy of the vaccinations.


If you are so scared of the unvaccinated infecting the vaccinated then just get your vaccines and you'll be fine. Unless you have doubts about the vaccines...?

Those on the left and those with leftist ideologies are nothing but a malignant tumor to this country.

And those who say that this is a disease of the unvaccinated then I will say that unemployment is a disease of the blue states.

That’s the problem, these latte sipping corporatists that think this stuff is a joke..... They don’t realize how many sacrifices people have had to make to win these freedoms back from all the Tyrants of Human History.
They’ll trade in everything sacred for a new IPhone, glued to their TV’s.. picturing themselves as rebels, regurgitating Corporate media talking points ad nauseum.

 we are definitely in trouble, but more and more are waking up everyday.