Matching solid state amps with tube based pre amps

I was like to get people responses on the mixing a solid state power amps with a tubes base preamp or match only with
solid state preamp.
As has been previously mentioned, when combining the two, one has to be mindful of  the impedance output and input impedances. How ever, the volume issue mentioned is more likely to be a result of  a high output voltage (typical with tubes) into a high sensitivity amp (not uncommon with ss amps). 
JFC… If the output of the preamp is 100-1000 ohms, and input impedance of the power amp is 20k to 100k ohms, then what is being matched? (Or what needs to be “matched”?)

What does “matched” even supposed to significantly? What is the meaning of the word Ing the sense that it is being suggested?

I have never had a problem with a SS pre s driving SS or tubes amps.
And also never had a problem with a tube pre drinks a tube or SS amplifier.
But maybe others have?>
Given no impedance mismatches,

Tube pre --> SS amp --> sensitive speakers = easy meat
Tube pre --> Tube amp --> sensitive speakers = musical easy meat
Tube integrated amp --> sensitive speakers = theoretically optimal, no worry over impedance matching.

All I think I know, or ever expect to learn.