Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
For now if someone want to change the color of the day and listen to a true unbelievable documentary listen to this almost 4 hours and say to my face that this film does not beat most hollywood movie...

It is about Bruno Groening, one of the most verified case of a faith healing in history....the story is UNBELIEVABLE and anyway true with more testimonies of all kind about all diseases...

Anything to see but Dr. Fauci.... Yes....

I hear the sceptic here, this is pure religious non sense OK, then try to debunk this Bruno Groning if you can....

I could not.... Help me....And listen to this 2 videos if you dare....


part one:

Part 2:

By the way if they are dunces here by bad chance , i must say for them that i dont suggest in this post to go to faith healer instead of taking a vaxx...Is it clear?

I just proposed a marvellous true story...

I refuse the vaxx because i have reason to not take it after my covid natural immunization and anyway i dont trust this new tech which has never been tested....Too much adverse events...

I am sad that many people loose their job because they had no trust in this new technology or simply they are not ignorant and read a lot about it and decide that this "vaxx" cannot be for them....

I am sad that so many people are unable to understand what is at stake, what is at play, and what is the goal....

«History is not blind it is a spiraling wheel»-Anonymus Smith

« What do you call a kid’s wheel ride that goes somewhere?»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«I called it a miracle brothers : evolution becoming history»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«Is it not the "omega" point ? » - Harpo Marx

« You are all dunces, it is only a simple spiral»- Gummo Marx

«Even in mathematics we dont know what a spiral is...Or better said the object "spiral" is like a fractal impossible to pin on one point, it escape limiting definitions»- A mathematician whom i dont recall the name
For what it’s worth. Certain people in this discussion I couldn’t agree more with.

Frankly, I’m happy this thread is no longer living RENT FREE in my head. At least I’d like to think so

millercarbon, had to use your line. Effective tactic/tool indeed