Monitor suggestions?

An unexpected, modest budget improvement means I can (possible) address what I perceive as both poorly controlled bass and an overall lack of clarity.  Yes, I realize I raised this before but I think I have a better handle of the problems at this point. 

I suspect the first issue is due to insufficient damping factor on the part of the the Wells Majestic integrated coupled with an inherently difficult-to-control lower range in the Silverline SR17.5 monitors.  

The second issue is most likely due to the dark and somewhat cloudy tonality of the Aqua La Voce 2 DAC. 

I'm looking into upgrading the Wells but here and now, I'd like suggestions on changing speakers. 

Budget: $3500 (used is fine)

Cabinet: Sealed box or downward firing port. 

Lower extension (ideally) down to 35HZ

Neutral to somewhat cool (but not approaching analytical) tonality 

Placement constraints: Backs of speakers cannot be more than three feet from back wall
and will sit atop 32" stands,(which means no 3-way or otherwise extra-tall cabs).


60% acoustic (Jazz, Folkish, Celtic, Singer-songwriter, New Grass)
40% electric (Jam Band, Americana, Blues, Country).

So far, Elac Vela looks like a possibility.  What else ? 

I plan to assemble an entirely new system within 5 years. I'm just looking to make listening less frustrating for the present. 

Check out Fyne Speakers. They may get you close to what you want. I’ve never heard them,but they seem to be well regarded.  

I looked into Fyne before but couldn't find US dealers. 


Most Harbeths seem more like floor-stander size on a half-height stand than typical monitors. I have severe placement restrictions due to furniture. And the room is not small, so I couldn't get away with their most petite models. 

However, since we're on the topic of British monitors, a Proac Response D2 might be a possibility. I've contacted the distributor and asked for a list of US dealers. They're a bit more than my budget, but I could stretch. 

Looks like front-ports may well be my best bet. 

Yes you will definitely need to choose between sealed and bass shy or ported. I’d be suspicious of specs that say sealed monitor to 35hz (many ported do not either for example). Simple physics