Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
It seems that the people who dont have arguments save strawman arguments, or conspirationist accusation and propaganda mantra like "this vaxx is safe" are mute...

Not one argument has been answered to and demolish... For sure...

All the vaxx massive campaign is based on lies ....

All audio marketting is based most of the times on half truths also...

Audiophile experience cost nothing, if we can embed righfully any relatively good audio gear...


Because no gear system sound the same in different electrical grid, on different mechanical condition, and in diversely acoustically controlled room...

Any disease could be beaten with the right vaxx yes but not without the necessary EARLY treatment....

Why ?

Because any population is divided in different age groups and different immune status groups , then we need also Vaxx and treatment to adress this varieties after a risk/benefit calculus ....

is it chinese?
I think I leaned more in a a Kenjit post.
@emailists - despite the many things he's said that I disagree with, Kenjit actually had a lot of understanding on loudspeaker structure and design.
Congratulations on learning here in the forum, good for you.
I have them in my Bryston 7B3 Monoblocks. I rebuilt them from the ground up, swapped out every resistor and capacitor for matched boutique ones. They have an absolutely stunning timbre... zero distortion. (Also make my own fuses, silicon dioxide with a mineral oil mix as a dampner).
I am a classical music snob, plus jazz of course, and instruments on this system are very realistic, and have an extended 3D stage, pronounced front to back layering.

I asked Duelund about getting some for my tweeters on my modified Maggies, but they can’t do anything at the moment because of supply chain issues.
I’ll probably save that upgrade for when I get a pair of 20.7 Magnepans. That speaker would justify the cost of the crossover.

I make all cables as well, out of Copper foils, USB, XLR, Power. Copper sounds the most natural to my ears, not a big fan of alloys and plated metals :)
Next project I have is to build diffusers. Block diffusers for all  walls, 
and get a nice rug to dampen reelections off the floor. 

Hopefully I can get it all done, that is before the zombies take over :)
last toughts of an epidemiologist:

2 minute read.... 😊 is it a conspirationist?  I dont think so....

Keep asking the wrong questions and we’ll never tame this pandemic

Experts, Public Health authorities and politicians are all the time asking the wrong questions.

Questions like: “Who shed more, the vaccinated or unvaccinated?” or “Who is better protected, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?” are simply completely irrelevant when it comes to understanding the real challenge posed by this pandemic. Everyone should know by now that ALL of us could shed ‘more’ or ‘less’ virus than anyone else or could be ‘more’ or ‘less’ susceptible than anyone else, regardless of our vaccination status.

So, what are then the right questions to ask?

The right questions ‘they’ should be asking themselves is: “How can we impact viral infection/ transmission in ways that dramatically and durably reduce overall viral spread of more infectious Sars-CoV-2 variants in the population (i.e., in all of us)?” and “How can we impact host immunity in ways that dramatically and durably increase overall protection against disease in the population (i.e., in all of us)?”

The answer to both questions is actually rather straightforward and simply based on common sense:

Population-level viral spread in highly vaccinated populations could dramatically and durably be reduced by massive antiviral chemoprophylaxis of all healthy individuals, subsequently followed by enrichment of these populations with healthy, unvaccinated individuals (hence why we will need a baby boom and encourage the influx of young & healthy unvaccinated immigrants).

Population-level immune pressure in highly vaccinated populations could dramatically and durably be reduced by massive early treatment of all individuals contracting Covid-19 disease, which would (automatically) be followed by long-lived acquired immune protection.

Both of the above proposals will effectively contribute to building herd immunity, which is the one and only solution to tame a pandemic. Or are the stakeholders of the current mass vaccination program still convinced that – contrary to all scientific evidence – it is mass vaccination that will ultimately end up generating herd immunity and that the virus will spontaneously tone down its virulence, regardless of all immune and infectious pressure currently exerted by the increasingly vaccinated and virus-exposed population, respectively?

As the original pandemic is now more and more evolving towards a pandemic of more infectious Sars-CoV-2 variants, we have no choice but to immediately implement a pancontinental intervention with broadly effective antivirals and early multi-drug treatment. Given the enhanced evolutionary context of this pandemic, there is no longer any place for non-sterilizing vaccines, let alone for using such vaccines in mass vaccination campaigns.