Good speakers under 10K.

Looking for my first pair of decent stereo speakers. Will be buying used, my budget is around 4-7k, so I'm interested in speakers below 10k. I may not be able to audition the speakers given my current location.

1) My sound preferences would be something that is rather true to the source, having adequate detail yet not being overly detailed. Hopefully striking a good balance between precise analytic sound and overly colored. However, I don't mind a speaker slightly to the warm end of neutral if it is not muddy or veiled. I want to avoid overly hyped or harsh speakers with fatiguing top ends, and I like my treble smooth and natural and not overly pronounced. The speakers have to be musical also.

My musical tastes are varied. Mainly electronic, rock, acoustic, classical, soundtrack and world.

Can someone help me decide?


where are you located? Thinking of selling mine vandersteen 5 with an ayre integrated amp, (crossover in the amp) or you can use it as a pre amp.
Have you decided on a speaker? I have a speaker in mind that might be what your looking for.
I would also advise you to read the thread "Micro Talls Who's heard them"? and visit the Ohm website, and if you're interested, call John Strohbeen and talk to him personally about what may be the best choice for you Joe
I support the recommendation for Ohm speakers. It takes a leap of faith to buy a speaker you can't audition. I did just this and started with a pair of Micro Talls. I was so impressed. I got my tax return and upgraded to a pair of the new 1000's. If I could afford it, Id have a pair of the 5000's and never have to buy another pair of speakers as long as I live. Miss them at your own loss Joe
Check out a pair of Dynaudio C-1s, plus a REL Subwoofer like a stadium 3.

Also, Dynaudios pair well with SimAudio Amplification.