Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
No one forced you to take a vaccination. You had the freedom to choose and you made your choice.
@tsushima1 - censor this discussion?
I don't have the time to read every post, but as far as I know, the material and opinions on the virus and disease responsible for the closure of many of the audiophile shows are being contained and discussed primarily in here.

It's at least on topic. Please feel free to not get involved in this thread you disapprove of.

@yuviarora - I am sorry this situation has lost you your job. And millercarbon, and those who've lost friends and family, which are many of us.

Rick, by what grace do you find yourself this great experiment?

@tomic601 - my economic privilege and nationality allowed me to freely travel around many countries of this world, Australasia, Europe, North Americas, and islands of the Pacific. I guess it was a birthright granted me by the predominant race who also took over the US, relieving the natives of the land. I guess the grace of God and the fierceness of my progenitors.

As many of my fellow countrymen do, I will most probably retire in or nearer my land of birth. Having traveled, I am well aware of options to live abroad, which I am doing now.

In which country do you reside? And by what grace are you there also?
Then I suggest that you are selectively disregarding the several diversive posts that are entirely not connected to the affect on Audiophile shows due to the current pandemic.

Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.


NO it's time for YOU to move on. If you don't like what's being said move on. 

Shut down the thread. Why would you want to shut down a thread? 

People pick a side, then when thing don't work out, it's time to get rid of ALL the information and start all over on another thread UNTILL things don't work out and on and on and on..

Threads are removed because of selling ED products for men. NOT because you got your feeling hurt or seemed to have had your feeling hurt..

You know it's only a GIFT if you accept it.. You can return the gift to the giver or just not accept it at all. I do it all the time.

Zombie Apocalypse, That's easy peasy.....Will Smith has the antidote, Hollywood Style.

Hmm, very similar to thee Oval Office these days

Go figure