Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Then I suggest that you are selectively disregarding the several diversive posts that are entirely not connected to the affect on Audiophile shows due to the current pandemic.

Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.


NO it's time for YOU to move on. If you don't like what's being said move on. 

Shut down the thread. Why would you want to shut down a thread? 

People pick a side, then when thing don't work out, it's time to get rid of ALL the information and start all over on another thread UNTILL things don't work out and on and on and on..

Threads are removed because of selling ED products for men. NOT because you got your feeling hurt or seemed to have had your feeling hurt..

You know it's only a GIFT if you accept it.. You can return the gift to the giver or just not accept it at all. I do it all the time.

Zombie Apocalypse, That's easy peasy.....Will Smith has the antidote, Hollywood Style.

Hmm, very similar to thee Oval Office these days

Go figure
I’d also like to touch on what tomic601 posted regarding “the FENCE” but ghetto style.

What makes a forum any different than the joint? Those of you whom have your head in the gutter, no, not the sticky icky one I’m referring.

We all have but more than one agenda in a discussion such as this. The topic at hand first and foremost, friend or foe, like minded, not like minded, religion and politics.

@oldhvymec, your GIFT wording is spot on

I’ll answer…..BLOODSHED

RELAX…..I come in peace
Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.

Newcomers may ignore the fact that we are all friends here, even when we disagree.... Anyway i hate no one here even those with which i disagree most of the times...

Newcomers ignore the fact that many of us dont come here for a precise audio topic only but also to read opinionss of posters friends or acquintances we know already sometimes very well...This fact explain the strong attraction of audiogon with his particular audio expertise distributed among all audiogoners...

Newcomers cannot ask for a thread to be erased when they comes disrespectfully disregarding the people who took time to communicate with one another at the price of not being on the same perspective concerning complex issues here...

Newcomers Are welcome if they respect the 2 sides of an argument and participate without insulting.... It is sometimes difficult to restrain ouselves...

I apologize to all for my excessive passion or " pontificating " tone ( i know myself 😁😊 )...

I only hope that my posts are not always boring and boring for all....After all we entertained ourselves like in a bar or in an audio festival here....

Audiogon is not an audio neutral wikipedia only but a living animated perpetual discussion between strangers who may become friends or at least acquintances....

For us who comes here regularly all people are souls with their own perspectives not anonnymus nick names with strange opinions....This fact only makes the greatest difference in the world when we read a post....

My best to all....