How long do good speakers last?

I just ordered a set of Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs, my first foray into nice speakers. I turn 51 this month and am hoping these will be the last speakers I ever buy. But it got me to thinking - how long should I expect these speakers to last? Or any good speakers for that matter? Does the foam eventually break down? Issues with general wear and tear? Appreciate your perspectives!
My speakers are over 40 years old. The surrounds on the woofers have been replaced once. Probably cost $50. Take care of them, they should make it to the end with you... If you want.
Foam only lasts 15-25 years depending on climate. DIY repair. I did 10 inchers for $35.
I’ve never had any other entropy issues in 50 years.
depends on the speaker and their construction, most last quite a long time if not damaged

as the poster above mentioned, worse come to worse, mids and woofers may need surrounds to be redone
 Congrats on the 5’s I have 3’s,1’s and center on the way.

my current Revel F32’s are 18 yrs old and no sign of physical wear.
i am sure climate plays a big part