Looking for new speakers for large audio room

I’m looking for new speakers that are big enough for my listening room which is 9x6 meters and my current speakers are Avantgarde uno series two loud speakers and not getting enough impact from the woofers.

I’m looking for speakers in the 30K to 20K price range.
Most of the speakers brands most of you recommended aren’t being sold by any local dealers in Thailand and. If they were bought online the price would be doubled or more for imported audio gear so I’m very limited most of them I have demoed most of the loud speakers 

local dealers sell their products the same price and usually have great discounts and no trade up program for most places even 

For example I had a vintage Bryston 4B amp and the dealer would not take trade up because it’s too old of a product.

and very small used market for audio gear.
I second the vandersteen Kentos. They have built in powered sub and I think your Pass is enough to drive them. It could be though that you have a twofold problem. Even with the high efficiency system you have, the room may just be too big. You might need more power. 

How does the stereo sub line array differ from the DBA where you place them around the room? Does the line array work like the DBA in canceling out room modes? Thanks 

Edit: my ceiling works as a baffle with wood going across if it’s affecting the bass.

cant Demo the vandersteen the dealer can only order them;)