Easy, but probably foolish to question a genius on the very subject of his genius without digging a little deeper into the full meaning of something he has said.
Personally, I like showers ……and I don’t like lists 😊
He is not the only one to try and distance himself from Jazz. You put a microphone and camera on these guys and they all try to dis Jazz. Hell, makes me wonder why they didn't record for Deutsche Grammophon or Hyperion. Or better yet, why didn't the Berliners and Karajan ever do a session for Blue Note?
I could explain all this, but in doing so, Miss Tammy would probably shut us down again.
The one exception to this phenomenal
is Wynton. We should all be thankful that someone sure knew what they were doing when he got the job at Lincoln Center.
Lists?? Read my post again. The word 'List' does not appear.
You like showers? Great. The unwashed still rule!!