Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??
Dagostino is very pretty. Wilson speakers are kinda ugly. GAT from conrad johnson is dated. Mac can be too iluminated. Tubes are cool. Nagra preamp is industrial, yuck. Audio research is cool. Lumin x1 is sleek and nice looking.
Let me quote myself so hopefully it becomes clear. 

"If, to me, there is no discernible difference in sound between components (preamp, amp, speaker, etc.) I will always choose the one with better visual appearance and craftsmanship.”

How do you infer by logic that I mean lower sound quality? I clearly stated that if there is no discernible difference in sound between components I will choose the one that has better visual appearance. I have no idea how that equals selection of inferior sound quality. 

I love the gate keepers on this forum. Even questions about what people do for a living in order to attack their comments. Who cares what I do for a living. Why in the hell is that even important?
You know femoore12 you can always return the gift.. No need to accept any of the gifts people offer.. Just sayin'

You know femoore12 you can always return the gift.. No need to accept any of the gifts people offer.. Just sayin'

You are absolutely correct.