What is it about grumpy old cynical men? Innkeepers with all the answers. Have no room in their closed minds for Mary or anything that challenges their insular shallow minds. And the irony is the OP's thread ostensibly relates to philosophy.
Lennon's "Imagine" strikes a chord for hope and a better world. Christianity began as a communal sect. It's growth and success were limited by such a concept so it changed to a more realistic organization. Gained much by doing so but an argument could be made it also lost something important. My interpretation of Lennon's lyrics is they explore the true radicalism of Christ's message.
Lennon's "Imagine" strikes a chord for hope and a better world. Christianity began as a communal sect. It's growth and success were limited by such a concept so it changed to a more realistic organization. Gained much by doing so but an argument could be made it also lost something important. My interpretation of Lennon's lyrics is they explore the true radicalism of Christ's message.