I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
Post removed 
It's a truly great song, but they have been playing it for 50 years.  At some point it's time to stop and I'm not even sure the reason is important.  Artists evolve and the real fans evolve with them.  They've never done "Jig-Saw Puzzle" in concert, maybe it's time?
Brown Sugar, I honestly never really knew the full lyrics until now. The way I see it, the lyrics are not even germane. Not even in the least.  

What is germane, the one salient point, the Stones had a song so bloody famously popular it was not only a standard for decades but one of their signature songs they would save for the very end. Kind of like Springsteen Jungleland. Which they stop playing, Why? Because it is no longer popular? People don't want to hear it? They just plain got tired of playing it?  

None of those. Which we do not have to guess at either. Because we have Keith Richards himself saying he is trying to figure out why they're trying to bury it. Bury it. See? And even he is afraid to get into it.  

Most certainly I am NOT slamming Keith Richards. In this climate I applaud him for even having the guts to mention it at all.  

Honestly, I am glad for this thread. Now having read the lyrics the song is a lot more edgy and gritty and real than I knew. In 3 minutes it paints a picture of the past worthy of Tarantino.    

Sorry if I jumped down your throat. But a couple things to keep in mind.  

One, I am as a student of history keenly aware of just where this sort of thing leads. It leads to millions dead. Every. Single. Time. And two, we got people here so MDS they come back again and again under new user names, mail creepy post cards to my wife, try and get me fired from my job. Lots more here, they may not actually do it, but they think that it happens is just fine and dandy. They are in my mind not all that different than the ones who think it is just fine and dandy to censor and re-write history. If you are not either one of those by all means now is the time to let me know.
Progressivism is regressive. No one is safe because no one is perfect. We are being led back into the dark ages. Real students of history know history repeats itself and we have periods of enlightenment and then once again dark ages. We are in the dimming days. People want to turn their self determination over for safety; their economic potential over for assurances. In order for the masterminds to accomplish their Utopia everyone must comply and those who don't will be dealt with accordingly. They use racism to 'fight' racism, fascist tactics to fight Fascist. They erase history. Everything has to be judged by the Priests in The Temples of Syrinx. Nothing is safe except for friends of the Priests. Envy is a virtue. Theft by force of government is noble. Forced compliance is aspirational.
I am neither Miller. 
You may recall I was the one and only in the crazy, crazy thread who expressed sorrow that your job was affected. Same went for Yvi’s friend.

As Ive said to you before, you and I come down on opposite sides of some things but at no point is it ever personal nor with malice. Heck, you have tubes so at least I know you value tone. As a matter of fact, I despise bullies and would proudly contribute resources toward rooting out and exposing the coward who sent you or your wife terrible correspondence.

Busting chops on an audio forum in a friendly manner is one thing….what you describe as happening to you is pure BS.