The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard

This may be a little too deeply personal for some, so reader discretion is advised. Don't know the reason, stayed here all season. Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it's a real beauty, a Mexican cutie. How it got here I haven't a clue.
Blew out my flip-flop, stepped on a pop top, cut my heel had to cruise on back home. But there's booze in the blender and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on.

Philosophical (as opposed to sentimental):

Iron Maiden-Rime of the Ancient Mariner 

Putting Cooleridge’s poem to music. Is this cheating?

Nearly anything by Rush- Xanadu, Trees, Farewill to Kings…Peart’s lyrics were heavily influenced by literature and philosophy, notably Ayn Rand. I wrote a paper my senior year at Creighton (English-Creative Writing specialty) outlining the influence of philosophy on modern rock music. I got an A. 

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