Who Were Your Mentors

I'm curious about who your audio mentors were, and how they influenced your audio journey and the system you pursued?  Father, uncle, friend, sales dude, local manufacturer, other?
I did not have any mentors. When I was 16 and was purchasing my first system, a Sansui 210 receiver and a pair of Rectilinear 1A speakers with a Garrod turntable and Sony Cassette deck, my dad was furious.  He said I already had a portable radio and a portable cassette recorder and asked why I needed a stereo. 

It took me a month to convince him to let me buy it (with my own money).  I believe the total outlay at the time was around $600.  Man, I felt like I was on top of the world.   If I only knew at the time that this would turn into a life long obsession. 
A friend introduced me to "high-end" audio. Other than that, it was my own passion and drive.
Bob Grodinsky. Audio electronics designer.
Larry. Sales. Owned a shop close to Bob’s house.
Totally non related.

How 'bout you, what you got?
Several along the way; My Dad w Mac and big Bozaks in 1965, my own work at two high end audio shops. Engaging conversation and discovering w clients who became friends. Online relationship w Charlie Hansen of Ayre, Roger Modjeski of Music Reference and Beveridge! , Joe White, Jim Smith ( not the Maggie guy ), now fast friends w Richard Vandersteen. Cast a wide net, enjoy the music. Always seek out a sensei you can learn from.