Wireless Slim Devices Squeezebox performance

Is the Squeezebox meant to take digital information in wav-formated files from your remote hard drive and feed it to a DAC for analog conversion? Does it involve your computer soundcard, which is typically not at audiophile quality level.

I am not interested in using the internal DAC of the Squeezebox. It would be nice if the Squeezebox could wirelessly transport digital data from your noisy music server located away from your stereo system, and merely hook it to your external DAC. Thanks.
Be sure to get a linear, and use toslink

I have no idea what you mean by the first part of this sentence, but having recently reviewed this unit, I found the coaxial to be superior to the optical.
In ideal conditions, I do perfer AES, and SpIDF over optical.
This is not the case with the SB3.
The wall wart power supply, tosses huge amount of noise in theAc curcuit that feed your entire system, which in turn can have serious negative impact on system performance. This is why I mentioned to use a Linear power supply. I say Toslink, because to prevent a conductive niose issue. Since the SB3 does not have a common ground that can help reduce the HF niose, Toslink will prevent the niose from contaminating your whole system. Users have found disconnectiont the SB3 from power and from thier system, totally, yields much better performance, while playing another source, such as optical disc extraction. please note, this is dependent on how revealing a person system is, and other factors, such as our hearing.
Are saying that the SB3 needs to be modified by having its power supply replaced? I believe I hear something like that being offered by some outfit.

Thanks for the explanation, I went back and re tested the piece on my reference system, but still find a bit more digital 'hash' from the toslink, FWIW, my system is pretty nice (Meridian 861 v4.2, Proceed HPA amps, Canton Vento speakers) and I definitely prefer the coaxial, some of this could be related to my cheesey toslink cable verses my decent coaxial cable as well.....some just to my own preference and system synergy.
You can just buy a generic linear power supply, or get one, like the ones I make for my customers.