If your down on your system…

If your down on your system, ask yourself, are you listening for the sound or for the music.  If the answer is for the sound, then try to do a mind bend, and forget the sound for a moment.  Take a deep breath and try to get into the music you’ve selected. After all, you’ve hopefully selected it for the music itself and not just for the sound.  That’s where the payoff is.
 I know this sounds simplistic and has been mentioned a lot in this forum, but it’s
a technique that works for me.

Not me.  Just finished a 4 hour listening session.  The system sounds better than any system I have ever heard.  We are almost ready to open the listening room here in New Jersey.

Happy Listening.
" Do not try and bend the spoon. That is impossible. Instead try and see the truth: there is no spoon."


What if I’m down on my wife?

... Instead try and see the truth: there is no spoon.

“If your down on your system…”.
Interesting use of YOUR. In the UK when we abbreviate YOU ARE we write YOU’RE. Maybe in the US you have lost the apostrophe and the ’E’? Or is it simply a mistake?