The two stages of audiophilia

1. Compulsively and fanatically build the best audio system you are able to and can afford.

2. Sit back, listen to MUSIC and enjoy your system.
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1.  Chase something that does not exist.

2.  Realize "Density" in the sound in proper proportion trumps the chasing and allows you to get back to the music not dictated by your chase.  "Sweetspot" is overrated...     "live ambient" is preferred.
Yeah now you need a 2 channel just for your vinyl and a 9 channel for movie
Yeah, I think I’ve hit the pinnacle of my Stage 2 with massive upgrades over the last few years, they all have contributed to my enjoyment of the experience of listening to music. There is one more upgrade I’m considering. but I’m asking myself the question "when is enough, enough?" And so it’s time to just enjoy the music again and get off the gear merry-go-round.
I am in the same boat as Audioguy. Class A + dual concentric.
But here is my analogy as why the search can never truly end. 

You just had the best sex in your life. Absolutely amazing.
The next day a different attractive naked form crosses your vision.

Wha'cha gonna do!!