Why are there no tube televisions anymore?

It’s funny when you come to think of it and compare video with audio. How come in the audio world discussions sometimes become intense, while there seem to be far less intense discussions in the TV & video realm?

With TV’s there’s no talk on tubes, transistors, analog, digital, vinyl, cables, power cords, heck we can even get ’audio’ fuses and -USB cables.

No one has a tube TV (while they really have a ’warmer’ image :) and very few people use a $400 power cord with their TV set. And while there are expensive HDMI cables on the market, the vast majority uses one below $50. And no one spends money on floor spacers to avoid cable vibrations.

Our eyes may even be far more sensitive than our ears ... yet discussions are far less intense. How come?

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The best Sony tube tvs and they like $500 back in the 70s.could never comparable to the cheapest flat screen LCD now...the pixels weren't even 200 now you have 4k OLED  that have thousands of pixels per inch and you can buy a 65 " for $50...lol...funny a 24 in in 1999 was like 2,000....crazy
@tvad yes, I has two of those xbr32’s. They were crazy expensive at the time but they were broadcast monitors. I remember seeing them in ABC NYC and they had this grotesque mauve colored trim LOL. It was hard to get rid of them….
The technologies are far  better with OLED tv then anything from the past much lighter, no tubes to replace , and can mount it on the wall ,everything is far better  and still improving .
I can remember my father opening up the old BW tv, pulling the tubes out and vacuuming them.
May have to dust off the ol’ CRT buried  in the corner of the basement.

I watched a 4K copy of Jurassic Park at a friends recently. Was shocked at how terrible it looked. It had such a cold quality to it. Cold as in cold vs hot medium - McLuhan. There was zero personality to the visuals.

It was like looking at a cheap TV commercial shot on a high res camera. Did not like it very much. Perhaps this is why I don’t watch much Tv anymore…