
I’ve read of views on whether amp fuses impart any sound quality or coloring. I had a recent experience that has made me re-think my views (fuses do not affect sound) and wondered if others had a similar experience. 
I have a Line Magnetic integrated amp. After heavy regular use for over 5 years, one day it just wouldn’t power up. After checking the power supply, I assumed it must be a blown fuse. I recalled that Line Magnetic sent with the amp two replacement fuses of the same type/quality that was pre-installed. I dug out one of them from storage, replaced the fuse and the amp powered up normally. 

What surprised and delighted me was the change in sound with the replacement fuse. Fuller bass, more detail and more warmth. I have rolled the tubes several times in the amp, and am attuned to the subtle changes that can make. Popping in a fresh fuse seems to have had a similar affect. And these appear to be cheap fuses, available for a few dollars at most. I don’t think I understand any of this. 
Fuses themselves do NOT affect sound.

The corrosion which may have occurred in their seats MAY do.  Cleaning those may have reduced the series resistance in the mains circuit, hence leading to a better performance.
If you actually tried it you wouldn't say "may", you would know. Since you clearly do not know, why do you use all caps as if some kind of unimpeachable authority? Shouldn't you say instead, "I have no clue whatsoever just an incredibly strong yet uninformed opinion"? 

Or if not then please tell me I am wrong, and let us all know which fuses you have compared? What is your "NOT" based on? Anything? Anything AT ALL?
Gotta love the argument (pulled outta where?) that corrosion on the contacts where a fuse is held MAY negatively effect resistance, and therefore, the sound quality, and still hold the position that the fuse has NO effect on the sound quality. If the fuse is getting close to failing, it still wouldn't have any effect on the sound until if fails. Then, no more sound.

There’s another fallacy that doesn’t hold water as well. That being, a cheaply made fuse of lousy conductivity (and corrodes like hell) can’t be bettered by one made with superior conductivity (and less tendency to corrode).

The two arguments tend to contradict each other. That, and why would any make of audio gear go to the trouble of designing a beautiful piece of gear and skimp on the fuse and it’s holder? Did they plan on having all the gear they make find it’s way back to them for repair and/or replacement of the fuse? They don’t want customers digging around inside so they couldn’t see that coming? Please.

All the best,
@nonoise Sorry Sir, I had to pull you over, looks like you have been doing....Too much Thinking and Driving. It is illegal on this, and many an Audio Forums.
Thinking and Driving, might lead you to discover things previously thought impossible, and we just cannot have that now can we... :)

Now please go buy a new expensive piece of gear every other month. That distorted fuzz on your music playback is just part of the charm, and can be upgraded away, Some Day, in a far away land, eventually.. maybe. 
Honest ociffer, no one was drunk driving,
we were all in the back singing. 😄

All the best,