I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
@ghasley we can be amicable and of course there can always be improvements in race relatons but that's not the goal that's being advanced today. We are being purposely divided with the end goals of unrest. Today there are exclusionary practices being performed by black groups and white liberal guilt mongers. Calls for segregated (no whites allowed college dorms) , jobs where white people need not apply, etc. There WERE people on the right side of the 3/5 debate, north, and there were people who were wrong, south. You basically said the same in your response, ie the same people.
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All I can say is thank God we have a two party system in this country that allows different views to be discussed, debated, and voted on. If you only want one point of view go and live in a communist country and see how you like it. 

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And a three party system would be ok also but since the current two parties can't agree on much it's doubtful a third would help. Maybe a little more moderate thinking is in order.