frogman -- Hey, thanks for the comparison vid. Routed it through the old hi-fi. As for making a choice among the three makes, all three axes offer up equivalent versions of the truth. The Bosendorfer gives me a just a little bit more power. The Fazioli a bit more sparkle & presence. The Steinway a bit more old-fashioned seriousness & comfort, i.e., the sense that this is what the classic/romantic composers probably actually heard when they composed.
I gotta say, though, that the YouTube was the proverbial beotch to get through. Each time I'd put it on, several minutes through it'd be hijacked by a different, abjectly inferior Piano YouTube that could not be gotten rid of. Eventually I was able to hear all three pianos go through their paces, but what a headache! It made me nostalgic for the time when, in L.A., I'd just get in the car and brave the traffic to different piano emporia.