I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
All during the 16 election I watched virtually every one of Trump’s campaign speeches. In their entirety. Beginning to end. I’m talking from the time he walks down the aisle to when he leaves.

One time after watching one of these, literally watching him walk down the aisle meeting and shaking hands, then the whole speech beginning to end, the next day I am out and pick up a newspaper. Seeing a report on the same campaign stop I start reading.

WTF are they talking about? Not one thing in the paper is what I saw! Doing a double-take I look and sure enough, same day, same city, there’s even a picture matches what I saw on video. I keep reading. Finally one tiny thing that actually happened is reported- only instead of the friendly joke with everyone laughing that actually happened the "news" has it that Trump was dissed for insulting the very same person who was cheerfully shaking his hand.

It was all so shamefully distorted I went home and watched that part again. Sure enough, total BS. They flat-out lied about the whole thing.

No wonder people think Trump said drink bleach, that he is a racist white supremacist and all the rest. If all you do is watch these liars, who most certainly are a wing of the democrat party, that is what you will think.

It is all a lie, and they have been doing it a very long time. I remember back before the internet when I fell for it. I have always been a news junkie but back then there really were hardly any alternatives so it was hard to know the extent of the lies. I really did believe Newt Gingrich was a bloodthirsty demon who ate puppies and pushed grandmothers down the stairs. One time I read a really intelligent article about how to fix Social Security and was shocked to see these eminently reasonable and innovative ideas came from this same Newt Gingrich.

I could go on with literally scores, hundreds of stories over the years. So I don’t get too upset when I say Epoch Times is news and someone calls it batshit crazy conspiracy theory. If all you feed your brain all day is Brian Stelter of course you will feel that way.

How we get out of this is anyone’s guess. It is far from certain that we will. Unless a lot more sober up and wake up, we won’t.
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