Choice of capacitor

If you have to choose caps for your tube amp which one would you prefare 
To be honest, I don’t for the life of me know why all the obsession with caps. Not that they don’t make a difference. They definitely do. But so do diodes, and for a lot less money and with less risk of changing tone or response balance. Seriously. Get some nice fast smooth HEXFREDs and see.

If you want to do caps, study the link above. That’s what I did. Pick your caps based on how they sound from reliable sources like HHF. Unless you can find someone here who has compared and written as many evaluations (which I seriously doubt) that’s the way to go.
even better than the HTs are the copper foils and paper from Jupiter. Have used both, as well as the Duelands, and Jensen copper foils (Jensens are no longer available).  The Jupiter copper foils are more organic sounding. Original poster did not mention what amp they were putting these caps in. On some older gear with high GNFB, you may not hear as much of an improvement as you would on amps with lower feedback. 
I have Mundorf SESGO .47 caps on  each of the kt88's sockets. 
Thats 12X$50, cost me a fortune, but worth it. bass is more solid and extended. Nice nuances. 
The EVO silver gold are $25 but you will not get the same performance. 
My tech hates Mundorf botique caps, Most techs don't believe in botique caps. 
In some places they make a  nice nuance, in others miniscule  pop. 
Woofer section of speaker nice gains.

mundorfs sounded less dynamic and too veiled in my system. 
what caps do shindo amps use?