Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers

What you prefer , single driver , no crossover, full   range  loudspeakers powered by low power SAT  or traditional 2-3 way design ?
A 3 way design will most likely "blow away" everyone at first listen compared to a single driver.

Big Wilsons, Dali, Sonus Fabers will be very impressive in the 1st session,, Once you get them home,,, well thats a  whole nother ball game.
= fatigue sets in,,then you feel like a  fool.
Been there DONE that. 
Wouldn't trade my dual WBers for any speaker in the world.
Yes, the tweeter has a High-Pass filter, but no crossover
I'm running my paper  cone tweeter (yes I did say 1970's style paper tweeter, Kasun) witha   single 2.2 Mundorf SESGO cap, sounds super duper, 
vs the Seas Millennium tweet
like 8 components, 18uf, 2.2, 3.3 2.2 and perhaps 1 more cap!!!! ARRGHHHHH, trash.
All you need for a  tweet is a  simple single cap 6uf-2uf , xovers drain the life out a  tweeter. 
Super tweeters make sound more refined, more air, detailed… But harsh in upper midrange, more fatigue, more smearing.

Yep I could not live witha  super horn tweet, Not my cup of tea.
I recall the old rat Shak super's,, just aweful,. Sure they are superior now, 
But I;'m going to try a  Scan Clone Be/Nd tweeter vs my 3 inch paper cone double magnet tweeter. 
My guess is the Be/Nd will annihilate my fav paper tweet.
Will run a single 2.2uf Mundorf SESGO cap.
Think this will kick in at 10khz ish..range
Hi @mozartfan ,
High-Pass filter and crossover are the same thing!
You didn't read my message. I told that 4th order crossover (HF filter) fixes most issues with super tweeter.
I have to add that in case of forward-firing super tweeter placement should be aligned with the speakers. It is true for any kind and order of crossover (HF filter).
The comment about all 3 way speakers being fatiguing in the long run is an incorrect generalization. I have lived with 3 ways that did betray their crossover points in use, but I also owned the Spendor SP100, and it was not the case with that speaker.