Amplifier for Totem Forest

I just ordered a totem forest and wondering if you guys can recommend an amplifier that would sonically matched this speaker.

Does totem speakers sound better with Tube or SS amp ?


Every speaker design has its own character.
For Totem Forests, are they more to bass & dynamic respond or transparent & purity side?
I'll be interested in what other owners have to say in reply. Not sure I think about them in the terms you have provided. I will say, compared to some Von Schweikert VR4 Jrs that I heard, the Forests are probably not as neutral or linear. The VR4s were very good...great extension low and hi end. The Forest's sound seems a little more "fleshed out" so probably more colored with a warmer mid-range...maybe more b & d vs t & p???
I had them paired with a Aragon 8008 & they were amazing. They do need power.
I use tube in the pre-amp and then class-d power for my Totems. Sounds wonderful.
