Have you heard the Goldring Ethos Cartridge?

Opinions please. 
The Goldring cartridges I have heard have been surprisingly good and I see no reason this one should not be excellent. It has a great stylus, a powerful magnet and a low internal impedance. Reviews are positive across the board. It is also a great cartridge for those contemplating a transimpedance phono stage. It may be the best value in a low impedance cartridge. The others I know are $5000 plus. I would not hesitate to buy one. I was seriously considering the 2500 which is a high output moving iron cartridge. But I am also planning on getting a Channel D Lino C which is a transimpedance phono stage and the Ethos would be a strong consideration.
Thank you!

Yes, I had a Goldring years ago on a Roksan turntable.  It was spectacular for the money.  I'm wondering if this cartridge can really compete with carts in the $2-3k range.  My sense is it can. 
I have an Ethos.  It betters the EAT Jo No. 5 (which I really like) in resolution and dynamics in my system.  It's the first Goldring cartridge I have owned and so far I'm pretty happy.

I'm wondering if this cartridge can really compete with carts in the $2-3k range.  My sense is it can.

Then you have to compare it to make sure. 
In $2-3k range you can find absolutely amazing cartridges (old and new) with some unique features, materials, design. 
Yes Chakster, that’s the way to do it. Problem is carts are tough to audition. We always take a leap of faith.