Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?

How do you think this would go over?

“This mass produced guitar measures the same as your vintage Martin on my oscilloscope, so any difference you hear is just expectation bias.” “You need to do a double blind test to prove there’s a difference!” “Rosewood is rosewood, there’s no difference between this Brazilian that’s been seasoned for 20 years and that Indonesian that came off the boat a month ago, you’re being taken in!”

millercarbon make big show tough guy real soft considerate inside you just need get know maybe over tequila, bring good clean girl not like last time.
EXACTLY "You have to have the apple before you can polish it"

A good player with a cheap guitar vs a hack with a very nice guitar will always draw more attention.
A lot of what makes an instrument sing is the peculiar, individual synergy it generates with the musician who plays the thing. As the cliche says (how do I get this verkokte website to put the accent mark on the ""e"?), it takes two to tango.
Exactly right and important to keep in mind that artistry on a high level requires an instrument of similarly high quality.

As has been pointed out, ultimately what matters most is the player’s musicianship that matters most. However, this is really stating the obvious and the differences and the practically infinite nuances that exist in the playability of different instruments are very important to an accomplished player. Ultimately, those differences are what allow a great player to take his playing one step closer to the sound and expressivity that he is striving for. An inferior, or unsuitable instrument simply won’t allow a player to get there. Great players can make good music on mediocre instruments, but there is a reason that they don’t play mediocre instruments.

It becomes a very personal choice. Some players want an instrument that is very easy to play in the sense that it responds very quickly and with little resistance. Other players prefer to have an instrument that offers a little “fight” and needs more coaxing to respond. The particular playing situation may determine in part the choice of instrument. The quality of the tone is a result of an inherent quality in the instrument and of the particular player’s touch, which is the result of the player’s individual approach to the mechanics of producing a sound as well as his physical characteristics.  An accomplished player knows how to control and manipulate these in order to produce the desired sound.