Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.


I finally opened the YouTube link. Sounds like a small transistor radio.

That is all…..
Yeah well if you want to finance my YT speaker Project demo, for a  superior cam please gofundme
The sony cam is all I could afford and does present my demo as trans radio.
But again, if you hear Enrique Caruso sing in  the Rome Opera House and he also sings in your bath with door closed are you going to tell me you will not recognize Caruso's voice  from your shower? As the same cantor as in Rome's Opera house?
All I am doing is givinga  basic hint at how my speaker system performs. 
If there were any weaknesses I'd sure let everyone know. 
For my CM its perfection.
btw the DLVX8 is NOT 92db as stated it is ~~95db~~~ right there with the AER/Vox
But the higher up the sens ladder you go, less solid punchy bass.
AER has like 96 db sens which is wayyyy too high for my use. 
95db sens is the ultimate limit you want in a  speaker
Sorry AER/Vox I must be truthful here. 

which reminds me , time for another comment on the Voxativ AC1A.
Sounded like the old transistor radios we used to buy back in the early 60’s, they were like $5.99.
w ear plugs.
Thats the way I would describe the performance of the VOXATIV AC1A with Neo Dymium Magnet motor.

AC1A @ $1900/pair
Obviously not recomended for hifi.
2 big thumbs down.
what you hear on your $10 comp speakers is EXACTLY what you will get in your listening room.
This is exactly what you said on your very first follow up post on this thread.

The sony cam is all I could afford and does present my demo as trans radio.
This is what you say now. 

If there were any weaknesses I'd sure let everyone know.
I am not buying this. You are clearly unhappy because you keep changing, adding, deleting drivers. It is a mess and you know it.
Its compressed, for sure, my tech says its ridiculous to try convince folks of a sound they really can;’t hear up live.
well I told him, if Enriqo Caruso sang at the Rome Opera House, and then sang same arias in his shower, door closed,
Are you going to tell me you will not recognize Caruso;s voice in your shower as same guy at the opera house??

I am making adjustments/tweaks/mods to the configuration.
Everyone just hang tight til i find some cash to finish the design.
Just glad i held off on the Tang Band W3 1878, as the DavidLouis VX6 might be, in fact most likely will be the finishing touch.
’Not to say we can’t add in the TB1878 next year when more cash is avaliable.
Might keet the DLW4 along with the TBBW3,, but hunch says, only 1 will stay, and my guess is the TB1878 will beat out the DLW4.
The DLVX6 looks likea winner. I studied the driver’s pics very closely for about 2 hours.
I know what i see.
Just hang in there next year Frankenstein will live.
Could be a 6-7 driver per channel speaker.
Just crazy.
A real monster just like Frankenstein.
He’s going looking for Wilson’s top dawg for a shootout.
You know the  model, the one Wilson makes for the Dubai Oil sheiks
**You mean the $950G speaker?*
Yep thats the one. 
6+ drivers vs 6+ drivers.
I'm giving Mr  Wilson the Jadis JA800, I;m taking my tech's modded Dynaco ST70 EL34
Giving  Mr Wilson everything  he needs to get his mega monster to sing  top form. 
Monsta vs monsta.
My system will have  3 separate cabinets, all  combined under 100 lbs. 
vs the Wilson monster at 300+ lbs. 
David  vs Goliath 
Ok you could very well make a  system with dual tang bands, 
2145 + 1878
and end up with close to same results as in this dual davidLouis
Pity the sound in this vid is severly compromise.
These WBers bring this legendary concert to a  near real experience. 
Its that good.

anyhoot here goes, Mahvishnu Orchestra Live CP 1973