Magnepan service shut down

How long has Magnepan's parts and service been shut down? Any idea when they might be open again? I have tried several times to contact anyone at Magnepan. All I can do is leave a message and never get a return call. I even emailed Wendell and got no response.
Anyone know how to talk to someone there? I want to place a parts order.
I had contacted Magnepan several weeks ago about getting a set of backup panels for my 1.6's. They are 20 years old and working fine. I just wanted to have them another 20-30 years. I called sales and they transferred me to the then production manager (sounds like he might of since left). The production managers voice mail gave an e-mail address. I e-mailed the inquiry that afternoon and he answered back that evening. So, they were busy, but trying to answer requests.

Alas, no backup panels available for 1.6's, just de-lam repair kits.
Lots of audio companies are in temporary dire straits due to Covid and supply chains drying up.

Hold Tight!  I am surprised, that no big name, but very small company, has not gone belly up yet.
Magnepan has always had exemplary service. Can't promise it will be back, but if any company would bring it back, it would be them.  I have needed them many times and they are a very quick response.  Whatever is going on it must be severe, and let's hope it is temporary. Do NOT permanently cross Maggies off your list!
An answering machine message and a note on the website would be helpful.

Most of us can deal with issues better than unpredictability.

I’m surprised at the companies that struggle to communicate with customers. It’s understandable to have struggles/challenges, but going incommunicado is not.