Amplifiers in use with big Harbeths (Mon 40 series) that work very well

i thought i would poll harbeth mon 40 owners on what amps they are using with them, and which amps you may have had excellent results with in the past, if you do not happen to have it today...

if you will, please also include, which specific gen of monitor 40 you have (.1, .2, anniv, .3, xd, what have you...), and your listening room and listening triangle dimensions, thanks.

owners only, current or past, please...
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About a year ago, I replaced my 40.1's with 40.2 Anni's and continue to use a Music Reference RM9 MKII with Gold Lion KT88's.  It was refurbished by Roger Modjeski a few years before his passing.  Along with the VAC 70/70, it has been the best sounding amp I've owned in my 20+ years as an audio enthusiast.

In the 8 years I owned 40.1's, I used the following amps:
  • Music Reference RM9 MKII... great amp after refurbishment  
  • VAC PHI 200 (powerful bass, but lacked air and transparency... I was hoping for more out of this VAC amp)
  • VAC 70/70 Signature (130 pound beast, great SQ on vocals, classical and jazz... loved this amp, but a hassle to repair)
  • McIntosh MC275 MKV (fun, gutsy classic amp... recommended)
  • VAC 30/30 MK3 (nice amp with midrange to die for, but could use a more power)
  • Plinius SA-102 in class A (best solid state I've owned)
  • Bryston 4BST (decent value at used prices, but average sound quality)
  • McIntosh MA2275 (too soft and mellow... not recommended)
  • Musical Fidelity M3 Nu-Vista (disappointing... not recommended)

    Plinius SA-102 in class A (best solid state I’ve owned)

    May I ask what preamp was matched to the Plinius SA-102. I used to own the SA-100mk3 with Harbeth SHL5 and the sound was too warm and thick in the midrange and bass with reduced clarity and detail across the frequency spectrum. I tried about 3 or 4 preamps with the SA-100mk3 without much success. Few integrated amps sound better than the Plinius separates but they didn’t go too low in the bass.

    In the end I settled with Naim mid range separates for the Harbeth, now upgraded to SHL5+.

    I used an Aesthetix Calypso with NOS tubes.  

    While the Plinius was the best solid state amp Ive owned, I haven't owned a lot of SS amps as I prefer tube amps.   If I had to use SS, the SA 102 is an amp I could live with.

    The Benchmark AHB2 monos with LA4 preamp, M40.2 Annie’s, 14 x 21 room is stunningly good.  Quietest background I have ever heard, never bright or harsh, balanced top to bottom.  Perhaps not as liquid as some other SS and tube amps but otherwise very impressive.  I think the 40s respond well to 400 w/ch as well.  
    I used an Aesthetix Calypso with NOS tubes.  

    While the Plinius was the best solid state amp Ive owned, I haven't owned a lot of SS amps as I prefer tube amps.   If I had to use SS, the SA 102 is an amp I could live with.

    Thanks for the response. The Audio Research LS16 Mk2 sounded best with the Plinius SA-100Mk3 on the Harbeth although the overall combined system wasn't cutting it. I suspect the SA-102 is a significantly better sounding amp than the SA-100 and the Aesthetix Calpyso is a good match to it.