Network Switches

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Speaking of no absolutes, I'm done for time being with adding network switch. In the end, Renolab switch result in diminished sound quality. Without switch, images and sound stage wonderfully dimensional and life sized. With added switch, while there was a minute increase in lowest level information, image outlines were drawn too precisely, still three dimensional but with cookie cutter edges, not lifelike at all. My preference and experience is that images naturally blend into one another to some extent in both artificial and natural sound stages. With the switch it was if each performer in individual sound booth, way too precise and unnatural.

At this point I'm making assumption the added clocking of switch was creating anomalies. My network is already optimized post server and NAS, sufficient clocking for my sound preferences. And so back to absolutes; perhaps adding switches is not beneficial in all network setups. At the same time, I'm not making argument another switch could be beneficial for me.

Its been my experience network improvements up to now have been in region of lowering noise floor of system, some added lower level information in the sense of more clearly heard instrumentation or voices mixed at relatively lowest levels. But mostly I've heard sound stage and image improvements, another byproduct of lower noise floor. At this point I'm content with sound stage and imaging from my system, adding that last minutia of lowest level info isn't worth the cost.
@sns   Thanks so much for sharing your experience and approach.

I'm curious. Can you share your network chain, since eliminating the switch?  Thanks. - David.
@david_ten  Cable modem supplied by cable company placement near audio system> Audioquest Vodka ethernet> Netgear Nighthawk router powered by 12v 4a lps plugged into BPT 3.5 sig (modded) via DIY Helix with three strands VH Audio Airlock hot cable power cord>Synology NAS powered by over spec lps and Shunyata Python VX into BPT, and extremely modded Mac Mini (Intel I7 best processor available at time, Uptone MMK, JS-2 L{S, only most necessary services operational, went into DOS commands to shut down others many don't shut down) JS2 powered by VH Audio Airsine PC>(2) TPLInk MC200CM both over spec lps with Shunyata Cobra PC powered by lithium ion battery pack>SOTM SMS 200 neo powered by Uptone JS2>Audioquest Diamond USB>Uptone USB regen over spec lps,VH Audio Airsine pc>Musetec 005 DAC (usb Amenero w/OXCO clock) DIY Helix PC into BPT.
I should mention all ethernet Audioquest Vodka, everything with exception of TPLinks going into BPT on dedicated AC, have two other dedicated AC lines for analog and amps. My house ground has also been taken care of, new grounding rod with equal length grounds cables so no ground loops. I also have separate ground cables coming from each of my three dedicated AC lines.

I"m being extremely thorough here in attempt to illustrate the importance I've placed on every single aspect of network. Paying attention to DC and AC power sources is of utmost importance IME.
You have definitely placed an immense amount of importance, AND work, on your network, as well as power, if not more. Kudos to you!