Isoacoustics' Gaia eliminated a 120Hz mode

Just put a set of Gaia II under my Wilson-Benesch Vectors. Considered the Townshend Podia but was concerned about the WAF, mobility and how to deal with my speakers' two downward-firing ports. The bass is augmented by a distributed bass array, so it was already very good, smooth and extended, but I had a nasty 120Hz resonance that was annoying. Remarkably these greatly ameliorated it and I can now listen without cringing.

Nobsound springs for the 4 subwoofers come today.
I use the GAIA II under my GE speakers and the sound definitely went up a few notches.  It’s one of the few tweaks I tried that truly works and can be heard within the first few minutes of listening. 
I use a pair of Gaia II with Marten Duke 2. The Gaias are very effective as they improved everything across the frequency spectrum. The largest improvement was with the bass but the midrange and treble also gained some clarity and sophistication.

The bonus is they look rather good when installed on the speakers. The speakers now look more elegant with the Gaias than with standard spikes.
I realized I was going to have to do some significant modification on the Nobsounds, including drilling out M6 size holes so I could screw them on to the DBA subwoofer cabinets. I was also going to heat shrink them for stability. I did attach one set, albeit without the heat shrink, and while they did bounce, I wasn’t sure about the aesthetics. So instead I installed Gaia IIIs. I also liked the idea of consistent technology all around. 
The bass is smoother but also seems to have lost some of the slam or impact it had. After a while,  I realized I was still “hearing” the low notes but that the impact had decreased because there wasn’t as much direct transmission through the floor. The structural resonance has also diminished. It’s a new listening experience and one that will take some getting used to but overall is likely more authentic. There is less physical impact, which was probably of an artificial nature, but also fewer cringe moments when a nasty room mode hits. And I still feel the low organ rumble and the thrum of the bass notes, just not as much and not as often but still as deeply. Overall, I don’t miss it. I think it’s similar to when you’re installing a subwoofer and you initially like it turned up  but over time you realize that a lower contribution is better. 
In a more general sense, I will say that the entire presentation seems more defined, the instruments and voices start and stop more precisely, and the overall sound more articulate and three dimensional and less “attention-grabbing”. Its an easier listen.