Transport for Bel Canto DAC2

First, my system:
Green Mountain Audio Continuum 1.5 Speaker
Rogue Audio Tempest Magnum Tube amp
w/JP Cables Maximum AC Gold Power cord
Bel Canto Design DAC2 DA converter
Bolder digital cable Interconnect
Silver Audio Hyacinth Interconnect
Zu Wax Speaker cable

I listen to a variety of music including jazz, rock, pop, electronic, etc. I currently use a Toshiba DVD player as the transport, but I hear too many digital artifacts, and I wonder if it is the culprit. Any suggestions? I'm hoping to spend under $400.
You might try a hard drive based system. I recently purchased the olive musica and feed it into my dac 2. Great results.
First suggestion would be to try a digital cable that is 1.5m long (assuming yours is currently shorter than that).

Second suggestion would be to find a used Sony S7700 or S7000...usually can be found on eBay for $150-$200 and are excellent as transports...
By artifacts I mean I hear harshness, and sometimes what sounds like pops. The Toshiba DVD player is just a cheap player - don't recall the model #.
Hi Philnyc. I believe my digital cable is 0.5m long. How would the extra lenght help?