A budget power cord has speed and transparent but not overly bright.

Power cords, help.
Budget is $200 or less
My 2nd system needs more speed, details and air. I can slowly add them in until they aren’t overly bright. Gauge size not matter. I’m open for DIY as well since I have good Wattage AC power plugs laying around. Nordost and Audioquest in mind but how about Pangea?
Thank you all
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Check audio Envy, I have 2 pc from them hooked with 4K monoblocks Tube amp.Very natural sounding, and flesh out music, they are fast.
Signal makes some nice stuff.
Raven Audio also has some nice cables. Do not know who makes them for Raven but the reviews on Part Time Audiophile are positive.
Thank you all.
I will look into them but would strongly prefer ones with superb details, airy and transparency please. Thanks again.